Monday, February 1, 2016

Homepage Analysis

The New Yorker - Sophisticated

The home page of the online version of the magazine is simple in layout and presents the right amount of options for readers to navigate the content of the site. One full image with title and short description, conveys a sense of sophistication. The typefaces are the key elements that connect to the print version of the magazine. The part of the physical experience that somehow is lost in the digital version, is the illustrated cover. Often time that is the main reason I grab a copy of it off the table in a waiting room or a friend's coffee table.

The Riverfront Times (RFT) - Unrefined

At first glance it is confusing to the reader. Many elements in the layout clash with each other and it is hard to tell which sections are part of the site itself and which may be advertisement. Like The New Yorker, it is missing the cover illustration/photo that is usually very engaging and helps convey the sense of Art & Culture that the digital format is having a hard time expressing.

Corriere Della Sera - Trustworthy

The homepage of the Corriere Della Sera is very pleasing to the in its simplicity. The simple designs gives the online version all the credibility that the printed version does and may go even further in showcasing a single main article with smaller editorials.
The editorial section nicely presents an image of the writer as these are notorious editorial writers. Often readers gravitate towards an editor in particular rather than the contents itself, so an a visual indication of the writer is nice.

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