Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Article Response

Salary and Hiring Trends by The Creative Group

In this article there is a list of things hiring managers are looking for and oddly enough none of them are being taught in school or there is little emphasis on them. You could say that KCAI encourages and pushes students to take on internship while still in school, effectively beginning the process of gaining experience, but we still won't have the 2-3 full years of employment that most managers would like to see.
Hopefully social media skills will be talked about more in the Pro Practice course and in the remaining two semesters. I understand how to partake in social media, but have not yet figured out the most effective ways to get myself out there to more people in a shorter amount of time.
Our formal training pushes for refinement of our skills in Adobe, but not nearly enough in CSS3 and HTML5. Perhaps these are skills I'll have to acquire on my own in between semesters.

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