Web Design is 95% Typography by iA
I like in the opening paragraphs the author tackles the some of the misconception of typography. The selection of a typeface is important and should reflect some of the values, styles and principles of a project, but ultimately there are very few instances where the typeface choice is the real star. I would compare the selection of a typeface to the job of a parent. A person that truly cares about their child can set up all the best opportunities in the world for them, but if the child is pushed to do things the correct way within those opportunities, he still runs the risk of failure. Sending a problem child to a private high school will not necessarily solve every problem just like finding the best typeface combination will not save your webpage from disaster.
For the rest, the article is a great resource of the technical side of type and webdesign.
I like your high school/private school analogy :)